We all know someone who has struggled with the cost of health care. In many cases, particularly with chronic illnesses, the costs become so expensive, many patients find themselves having to make the difficult decision of whether to pay for food or gas or their medicine.
Here in South Carolina, six out of 10 adults suffer from a chronic disease like diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, or hemophilia. Nationally, 7% of adults could not pay for at least one medicine in their household.
These alarming statistics are even higher among minority communities. And, on top of all these challenges, Americans pay three times as much for the exact same brand of medication as patients in other countries.
At the same time, major advancements in treatments for chronic conditions have been made over the past few decades. These new medications can have a life-changing, positive impact on patients and greatly decrease their suffering.
Most recently, the FDA approved a drug that could significantly improve the lives of the millions of Americans who suffer with Alzheimer’s and therefore also their caretakers. Now, many can live longer, happier lives than ever before.
Well, only if they can afford it.
Read more at: https://www.thestate.com/opinion/article272907600.html#storylink=cpy