BDASC Legislative Breakfast 2024

By James Romano, BDASC Legislative Coordinator

On a crisp January morning, the Bleeding Disorders Association of South Carolina (BDASC) hosted its second annual legislative breakfast. In a large room on the first floor of the Blatt Office Building, advocates from all over South Carolina joined the chapter leadership and members of the Board of Directors to welcome and speak with all who attended.  BDASC is pleased to report that approximately 250 people, including 75 legislators, attended the breakfast. The Legislative Breakfast provides BDASC with an opportunity for the community to meet with legislators in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.  Our wonderful advocates spoke with Members of the Legislature and their staff on the needed passage of H. 3618, the Copayment Accumulator legislation.  

By continuing to host this breakfast, BDASC is building lasting relationships with Members of the Legislature that can be useful in the years to come.  The community is becoming increasingly known by Representatives, Senators, and their Staff.  BDASC Executive Director, Sue Martin is respected by multiple Representatives and Senators, and many came by to express their support and friendship to the community. During the breakfast, Sue and many advocate members of the bleeding disorders community were so pleased to have in depth conversations with many legislators, such as Representative Jason Elliott, Representative Tommy Pope, Representative Gilda Cobb Hunter, Representative Joe Bustos, Representative Dennis Moss, Senator Thomas Alexander, Senator Mike Fanning and Senator Tom Corbin to name a few.  The legislation gained 10 cosponsors in the days since the breakfast.  We are excited as to the gains the community has made.   

The Chapter urges all our members to join us next January.  We will have a brand-new legislature to introduce the bleeding disorders community and our list of important issues—including the importance of health insurance coverage and access to therapies.  The 3rd BDASC Legislative Breakfast is set for Wednesday, January 15, 2025.  The BDASC is excited for your participation.